Ok, I am blogging while watching the last Doctor Who. The Doctor and Rose finally met up and.... they hugged! WTF after 2 years of sexual repression on both of their parts I was hoping for an all out snog-fest not a damn hug! RTD I am not a fan..... ok, back to it.
Done. WTF!!!!!!!!! Well, Rose is with a doctor, but not the real Doctor, the proper Doctor. So I am conflicted. Rose has what she wants and will spend her life with a doctor. It was pretty bloody obvious as soon as the other "doctor" was created, but Proper Doctor will still roam the universe as a lonely little boy. How can he keep making himself so sad? How can Rose spend her life with Other Doctor when he isn't traveling which is like his whole existence? Its all so wrong and right at the same time. Oh, and River Song is Other Doctor and Rose's baby. Just a thought. Why do I only like romance with aliens? Oh yeah and there were some Daleks or something and some stuff blew up and the earth was saved.
I did a treadmill workout tonight. Traveling really sucks when it comes to working out. I did a speed workout but it is so hard to do that on a treadmill because you can't change speed quickly. I want to do things outside! At least I am lucky enough to have access to a treadmill and weight machines while I am here.
Oh that Doctor Who just has me so bummed!!!!! And it won't be on again until 2010. I am in such a bad mood! And Captain Jack was in it and there was still almost no snogging!!!!! And Other Doctor and Rose's one snog wasn't even that good!!!! I've seen her in Secret Diary of a Call Girl, I know she can do better than that!
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