In trying to post more, I am going to post today too! I didn't actually do my trainer workout last night because I got to screwing around on the internet and time flew by and then it was just too late. It will all get done though. After my mental freak out yesterday I had two people say things to me that made me feel better. First, Ned said that when he can't concentrate on his dissertation, which is due in a few weeks, he thinks of how hard I worked on mine and the will it took to get it done ( I didn't sleep for 40 hours at one point). Seeing how hard I can push myself helps him push himself. Then my friend Rob said that thinking about how hard I train made him run an extra mile on his daily run. These both made me happy because it means I am helping other people work towards their goals and push themselves harder. I like that. Everyone is so much stronger than they think they just need to find that little voice that says "hell no you are not giving up now! run up that damn hill!" When I'm feeling like I want to give up I start singing the Ballad of Harbo and Samuelsen. They rowed across the Atlantic ocean in 55 days and 13 hours. A record that still stands. How can I give up after a 90 min. run when they rowed 21 hours a day for 55 days after being capsized and half starved to death? Oh and then on the way back, the boat they were on, powered by steam, ran out of fuel and rather than have their precious boat, the Fox, burned they got off the steamer, back in the Fox and rowed home! What on earth do I have to complain about compare to that!
So far I've done a 3,000 yard swim today. It felt ok, but I get pushed so much harder with the DCTri club swims that I feel like such a slacker without them. Tonight I will actually do a workout on the trainer. Oh I remember the days when a three mile run was a workout. Now it seems to be a warm up.
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